More virtual choir projects at lockdown! This is Let There Be Peace on Earth by Sy Miller and Jill Jackson performed by the UP Concert Chorus alumni and members. This also features a new arrangement by Prof. Agot Espino.
Here are the details as written at the UPCC Youtube page:
“In this world today when fear, panic, confusion, joblessness, sickness, and death have impacted everyone’s lives, we continue to hold on to that blessed hope that we can find PEACE even in the midst of a global pandemic. The University of the Philippines Concert Chorus stands with the nations and offers this virtual choir as recorded by alumni members of batches from the 1980s in the Philippines and abroad. We pray for God’s PEACE, which transcends all human understanding, to garrison your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Be blessed!”
Music: Let There Be Peace On Earth
Composers: Sy Miller & Jill Jackson
Arrangement: Hawley Ades Additional
Arrangement: Prof. Augusto Espino
Conductor: Prot. Jai Sabas-Aracama
Piano: Nhick Ramiro Pacis
Flute: Tony Maigue Production
Dot Balasbas-Gancayco
Elaine Grospe
Kata Inocencio
Marlene Suarez
Nhick Ramiro Pacis
Pette Depatillo
Tec Concepcion
Disclaimer: For Inspirational Purpose Only. No Copyright Infringement Intended. CTTO of Photos. Thanks and God bless!